Coronavirus (Covid-19) Latest Update

We place people at the heart of our strategy and are committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all our staff, visitors and residents.
In light of Government advice regarding elderly people self-isolating, which announcement is expected to be made formally on Friday of this week, and with the home having one person currently being tested for the virus who is currently off site, we have taken the precautionary measure of moving to a more restrictive visitor policy at the home until further notice.
This means, with regret, that all family visits need to be suspended other than in exceptional circumstances such as, for example, if a resident has a significantly deteriorating health condition, under which visits will be authorised by the home management team on compassionate grounds. This decision will be reviewed daily by the Home and we will follow the most up to date Government advice.
We recognise that these are very difficult times and that the inability to visit will cause great concern. We recognise how important in these circumstances enhanced and regular communication will be and we are pleased to share that we will today, have in place facilities for families to contact their loved one(s) on video call via Skype.
You will be able to book this facility by calling the administration team in the home and we will support your use of it, including assisting you with set-up of the system at your location should you need this support. We thank you for your understanding at this difficult time and please do let us know should you have any queries or concerns at all.
As the situation develops, we are tracking Government and NHS advice as it is updated and are constantly developing our policies and procedures as matters progress. Please use these links to keep yourself updated.
This communication will be updated to reflect the latest information and advice as and when this is required. If you have any questions please call the home and ask for the Operations Director, Manager or Deputy Manager Hoar Cross – telephone 01283 575 210